Overcoming Stuttering


Stuttering impacts speech clarity and mental health. The act of stuttering prevents people from fully and clearly expressing themselves. Meanwhile, the mental gymnastics developed in reaction to years of embarrassing disfluent episodes prevents people from fully participating in their lives.

A single disfluent production leads those that stutter down a negative thought path. The stress resulting from negative thoughts causes physical tension and ultimately increases stuttering severity.

To overcome stuttering both speech and thought patterns must be addressed. At Green Light our stuttering clients are provided with a wide variety of tools that help increase fluency and reduce the severity of disfluent productions. At Green Light those that stutter are also taught how to break the negative thought cycles that perpetuate episodes of disfluent speech.

Overcoming stuttering is about regaining control of your speech, your thoughts, and your life.

To learn more about stuttering therapy schedule a free consultation today!