COVID-19 & Speech Therapy

In Spring 2020, COVID-19 brought parts of our world to a screeching halt. Schools closed and early intervention services were paused. Children with speech-language deficits suffered. They continued to get older without receiving needed therapy services. Today, now in the winter of 2020, children with speech-language deficits are struggling. They are in immediate need of high-quality speech therapy that is fun and effective.

Speech therapy, whether over the computer or in person, should be interactive. No excuses! Positive behavior supports should be used throughout every session to keep children feeling engaged, as well as proud. Picture schedules, binary choices (e.g. “this or that?”), and consistent enthusiastic, feedback should be used to make children eager to participate. 

Children with speech-language impairments face a long list of challenges everyday. They are asked to repeat themselves time and time again; they are scolded for not following directions that they can’t understand; and they are frustrated because they can’t communicate what they want or need. Green Light provides a safe space for these children. When working with a Green Light therapist, children feel successful and proud while making progress towards their goals.


Phonological Disorders


Gender Affirming Voice